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- /*
- ** $VER: WindowScreenMaintenace.c V0.03 (21-06-95)
- **
- ** Author: Gerben Venekamp
- ** Updates: 14-06-95 Version 0.01 Initial module
- ** 21-06-95 Version 0.02 CloseThisScreen and CloseThisWindow
- ** have been added. Also CloseWindows
- ** uses CloseThisWindow now.
- ** 21-06-95 Version 0.03 FadeColours has been moved to a
- ** new module called PaletteMaintenance.c
- **
- ** WindowScreenMaintenace.c contains the function to maintain
- ** screens and windows of IFFConverter.
- **
- */
- #include <datatypes/pictureclass.h>
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include <graphics/modeid.h>
- #include <graphics/videocontrol.h>
- #include <intuition/intuition.h>
- #include <proto/dos.h>
- #include <proto/exec.h>
- #include <proto/gadtools.h>
- #include <proto/graphics.h>
- #include <proto/intuition.h>
- #include "IFFConverter.h"
- // Define variables
- APTR VisualInfo = NULL;
- struct Screen *ViewScreen = NULL;
- struct Screen *PanelScreen = NULL;
- struct Window *ViewWindow = NULL;
- struct Window *PanelWindow = NULL;
- struct Window *InfoWindow = NULL;
- char ViewScreenTitle[] = "The View";
- char PanelScreenTitle[] = "The Window";
- WORD PubScreenWidth;
- WORD PubScreenHeight;
- // Tags for VideoControl
- ULONG VCTags[] = {
- };
- // Define prototypes
- BOOL BuildPicture(struct Screen *, struct BitMapHeader *, APTR);
- void CloseScreens(void);
- void CloseThisScreen(struct Screen **);
- void CloseThisWindow(struct Window **);
- void CloseWindows(void);
- void __asm DecompressPic(register __a0 APTR,
- register __a1 APTR,
- register __a2 APTR,
- register __a3 APTR);
- ULONG DisplayInfo(void);
- void OpenScreens(void);
- void OpenWindows(void);
- void PositionScreen(struct Screen *, WORD, WORD);
- enum RVSError RebuildViewScreen(struct BitMapHeader *, ULONG, APTR, APTR);
- /*
- ** OpenScreens()
- **
- ** Opens two screen for you. One screen, called `The Panel', is used
- ** to display a panel from which you can preform all operation in
- ** IFFConverter. The second screen, called `The Display', is used to
- ** display your picture and your clipping operations. Also
- ** GetVisualInfo is called for `The Panel' Screen, so be sure to
- ** free it!
- **
- ** pre: None.
- ** post: None.
- **
- */
- void OpenScreens()
- {
- struct Screen *PubScreen = NULL;
- if(!(PubScreen=LockPubScreen(NULL))) // Lock the Public Screen (Workbench).
- ErrorHandler( IFFerror_NoLock, "PubScreen" );
- PubScreenWidth = PubScreen->Width;
- PubScreenHeight = PubScreen->Height;
- *((UWORD *) ColourMap) = 2;
- if(!(ViewScreen=OpenScreenTags(NULL, SA_Top, 256,
- SA_Left, 0,
- SA_Width, 320,
- SA_Height, 256,
- SA_Depth, 1,
- SA_Title, &ViewScreenTitle,
- SA_FullPalette, TRUE,
- SA_Quiet, TRUE,
- SA_AutoScroll, TRUE,
- SA_ShowTitle, FALSE,
- SA_Colors32, ColourMap,
- SA_Interleaved, TRUE,
- SA_VideoControl, &VCTags,
- ErrorHandler( IFFerror_OpenErr, "View Screen" );
- PositionScreen(ViewScreen, 0, 12);
- if(!(PanelScreen=OpenScreenTags(NULL, SA_Left, 0,
- SA_Top, PubScreenHeight,
- SA_Width, 640,
- SA_Depth,2,
- SA_Font, &System_8,
- SA_Title, &PanelScreenTitle,
- // SA_DetailPen,0,
- // SA_BlockPen,1,
- // SA_ShowTitle, FALSE,
- SA_AutoScroll, FALSE,
- SA_Quiet, FALSE,
- SA_LikeWorkbench, TRUE,
- SA_Parent, ViewScreen,
- ErrorHandler( IFFerror_OpenErr, " Panel Screen" );
- PositionScreen(PanelScreen, PubScreenHeight-PanelHeight, 12);
- if(!( VisualInfo = GetVisualInfo(PanelScreen, TAG_DONE) ))
- ErrorHandler( IFFerror_NoVisIErr, NULL);
- UnlockPubScreen(NULL, PubScreen); // Free the Public Screen.
- }
- /*
- ** CloseScreens()
- **
- ** Closes all open screens and frees the VisualInfo for the
- ** 'PanelScreen'.
- ** NOTE: 'CloseScreen' could use 'CloseThisScreen'. The reason why
- ** this is not the case, is as follows. Both screens, 'ViewScreen'
- ** and 'PanelScreen' needs to be scrolled down. To do so, a test
- ** to see whether the screens are available needs to be done.
- ** 'CloseThisScreen' prefroms the same test. So, it's a bit silly
- ** to do the same test twice! 'CloseThisScreen' sets the pointer to
- ** a screen to NULL. Since 'CloseScreen' should only be called when
- ** quiting, there's no benefit to set a pointer to NULL. This pointer
- ** will never be used again!
- **
- ** pre: None.
- ** post: None.
- **
- */
- void CloseScreens()
- {
- if(VisualInfo) FreeVisualInfo(VisualInfo);
- if(PanelScreen)
- {
- PositionScreen(PanelScreen, PubScreenHeight, 12);
- CloseScreen(PanelScreen);
- }
- if(ViewScreen)
- {
- PositionScreen(ViewScreen, PubScreenHeight, 12);
- CloseScreen(ViewScreen);
- }
- }
- /*
- ** CloseThisScreen(ScreenToClose)
- **
- ** Closes 'ScreenToClose' and marks 'ScreenToClose' as invalid (NULL).
- **
- ** pre: ScreenToClose - Screen to be closed.
- ** post: ScreenToClose - NULL;
- **
- */
- void CloseThisScreen(struct Screen **ScreenToClose)
- {
- if(*ScreenToClose) // Points 'ScreenToClose' to a screen structure?
- {
- CloseScreen(*ScreenToClose); // Yes, close screen.
- *ScreenToClose = NULL; // Mark pointer as invalid.
- }
- }
- /*
- ** OpenWindows()
- **
- ** Opens two windows for you. Both windows are backdrop windows.
- ** One window for each screen. 'ViewScreen' and 'PanelScreen' that is.
- **
- ** pre: None.
- ** post: None.
- **
- */
- void OpenWindows()
- {
- if(!(ViewWindow=OpenWindowTags(NULL, WA_Top, 0,
- WA_Left, 0,
- WA_InnerWidth, 320,
- WA_InnerHeight, 256,
- WA_PubScreen, ViewScreen,
- WA_Borderless, TRUE,
- WA_Backdrop, TRUE,
- ErrorHandler( IFFerror_OpenErr, "View Window" );
- if(!(PanelWindow=OpenWindowTags(NULL, WA_Top, 0,
- WA_Left, 0,
- WA_InnerHeight, PanelHeight,
- WA_InnerWidth, 640,
- WA_PubScreen, PanelScreen,
- WA_Title, "PanelWindow",
- WA_Backdrop, TRUE,
- WA_Borderless, TRUE,
- WA_Activate, TRUE,
- WA_ScreenTitle, &PanelScreenTitle,
- WA_Gadgets, FirstGadget,
- ErrorHandler( IFFerror_OpenErr, "Panel Window" );
- GT_RefreshWindow(PanelWindow, NULL);
- }
- /*
- ** CloseWindows()
- **
- ** Closes all open windows.
- **
- ** pre: None.
- ** post: None.
- **
- */
- void CloseWindows()
- {
- CloseThisWindow(&ViewWindow);
- CloseThisWindow(&PanelWindow);
- CloseThisWindow(&InfoWindow);
- }
- /*
- ** CloseThisWindow(WindowToClose)
- **
- ** Closes 'WindowToClose' and marks 'WindowToClose' as invalid (NULL).
- **
- ** pre: WindowToClose - Window to be closed.
- ** post: WindowToClose - NULL;
- **
- */
- void CloseThisWindow(struct Window **WindowToClose)
- {
- if(*WindowToClose)
- {
- CloseWindow(*WindowToClose);
- *WindowToClose = NULL;
- }
- }
- /*
- ** Result = RebuildViewScreen(BitMapHdr, DisplayMode, CMapData, BodyData)
- **
- ** Rebuilds your 'ViewScreen' from scratch. The way this is done,
- ** is as follows: As the 'PanelScreen' should be blocking all other
- ** screens, the 'ViewScreen' will be closed. Then a new 'ViewScreen'
- ** will be opend according to 'BitMapHdr', 'DisplayMode' and
- ** 'CMapData'. The 'BodyData' will be drawn onto the 'ViewScreen'
- ** and the 'PanelScreen' will be moved back into its pre-defined
- ** position.
- **
- ** pre: BitMapHdr - BitMapHeader structure.
- ** DisplayMode - ModeID
- ** CMapData - ILBM CMAP Chunk
- ** BodyData - ILBM BODY Chunk
- ** post: Result - RVS_Okay if function succeeds.
- ** RVS_PictureFailure if no picture could be created.
- ** RVS_NoWindow if no window could be opened.
- ** RVS_BlackScreen if no screen could be opened, but
- ** a black screen could be opened.
- ** RVS_NoScreen if no screen could be opened at all.
- ** RVS_NoColourMap if no colour map could be created.
- **
- */
- enum RVSError RebuildViewScreen(BitMapHdr, DisplayMode, CMapData, BodyData)
- struct BitMapHeader *BitMapHdr;
- ULONG DisplayMode;
- APTR CMapData, BodyData;
- {
- if( GetNewColourMap(CMapData, BitMapHdr->bmh_Depth) )
- {
- ULONG OpenScreenFailure;
- ULONG DisplayModeID;
- CloseThisWindow(&ViewWindow);
- CloseThisScreen(&ViewScreen);
- DisplayModeID = BestModeID(BIDTAG_SourceID, DisplayMode,
- BIDTAG_DesiredWidth, BitMapHdr->bmh_Width,
- BIDTAG_DesiredHeight, BitMapHdr->bmh_Height,
- BIDTAG_Depth, BitMapHdr->bmh_Depth,
- if( !(DisplayModeID == INVALID_ID) )
- if( ViewScreen = OpenScreenTags(NULL, SA_Width, BitMapHdr->bmh_Width,
- SA_Height, BitMapHdr->bmh_Height,
- SA_Left, (BitMapHdr->bmh_PageWidth - BitMapHdr->bmh_Width) / 2,
- SA_Depth, BitMapHdr->bmh_Depth,
- SA_FrontChild, PanelScreen,
- SA_DisplayID, DisplayModeID,
- SA_Title, &ViewScreenTitle,
- SA_ShowTitle, FALSE,
- SA_AutoScroll, TRUE,
- SA_FullPalette, TRUE,
- SA_Colors32, ColourMap,
- SA_Interleaved, TRUE,
- SA_VideoControl, &VCTags,
- SA_Quiet, TRUE,
- SA_LikeWorkbench, TRUE,
- SA_ErrorCode, &OpenScreenFailure,
- if( ViewWindow = OpenWindowTags(NULL, WA_Top, 0,
- WA_Left, 0,
- WA_InnerWidth, BitMapHdr->bmh_Width,
- WA_InnerHeight, BitMapHdr->bmh_Height,
- WA_PubScreen, ViewScreen,
- WA_Backdrop, TRUE,
- WA_Borderless, TRUE,
- WA_Activate, TRUE,
- if( BuildPicture(ViewScreen, BitMapHdr, BodyData) )
- // Picture has succesfully been drawn
- return(RVS_Okay);
- else
- // Some error has occoured during image drawing
- return(RVS_PictureFailure);
- else
- // A proper screen was opened, but a backdrop window
- // could not be opened. No serious problem though.
- // All we need to to is not to display the picture.
- if( BuildPicture(ViewScreen, BitMapHdr, BodyData) )
- // Picture has succesfully been drawn.
- return(RVS_NoWindow_PictureOkay);
- else
- // Some Error has occoured during image drawing
- return(RVS_NoWindow_PictureFailure);
- else
- if( !(ViewScreen = OpenScreenTags(NULL, SA_Top, 256,
- SA_Left, 0,
- SA_Width, 320,
- SA_Height, 256,
- SA_Depth, 1,
- SA_Title, &ViewScreenTitle,
- SA_FullPalette, TRUE,
- SA_Quiet, TRUE,
- SA_AutoScroll, TRUE,
- SA_ShowTitle, FALSE,
- SA_Colors32, ColourMap,
- SA_Interleaved, TRUE,
- SA_VideoControl, &VCTags,
- TAG_DONE)) )
- // Normal screen creation has failed, but a black screen
- // could be opened.
- return(RVS_BlackScreen);
- else
- // No screen could be opened. This means that the Workbench
- // and/or other screens/windows become visable to the user
- // when the 'PanelScreen' is moved back to its pre-defined
- // position.
- return(RVS_NoScreen);
- else
- // 'ModeID' could not be calculated. This means that it's
- // impossible to open a screen which matches 'DisplayMode'.
- return(RVS_NoScreen);
- }
- else
- // No memory for a colour map could be allocated. Which means, even
- // if you were able to open a screen and window, you have no palette.
- // therefor it makes little sence to display a picture on such a screen.
- return(RVS_NoColourMap);
- }
- /*
- ** succes = BuildPicture(PicScreen, BitMapHdr, BodyData)
- **
- ** Draws a picture to 'Screen'
- **
- ** pre: PicScreen - A pointer to a Screen structure on which the
- ** picture has to appear.
- ** BitMapHdr - A pointer to a BitMapHeader structure.
- ** BodyData - Pointer to a ILBM BODY chunck
- ** post: succes - TRUE if image has succesfully been drawn,
- ** FALSE if image creation went wrong.
- **
- */
- BOOL BuildPicture(PicScreen, BitMapHdr, BodyData)
- struct Screen *PicScreen;
- struct BitMapHeader *BitMapHdr;
- APTR BodyData;
- {
- FreeThisMem(&PlanePtrs, PlanePtrsSize);
- PlanePtrsSize = (PicScreen->ViewPort.RasInfo->BitMap->Depth)<<2;
- // Allocate some memory which 'DecompressPic' can use to store
- // bitplane addresses.
- if( AllocThisMem(&PlanePtrs, PlanePtrsSize, MEMF_CLEAR) )
- {
- DecompressPic(BodyData, BitMapHdr, ViewScreen, PlanePtrs);
- return TRUE;
- }
- else
- return(FALSE);
- }
- /*
- ** PositionScreen(ScreenToMove, FinalPos, Steps):
- **
- ** Positions a screen for you.
- **
- ** pre: ScreenToMove - Pointer to a Screen structure.
- ** FinalPos - Final position of the screen.
- ** Steps - Number of steps in which the FinalPos is reached.
- ** post: None.
- **
- */
- void PositionScreen(ScreenToMove, FinalPos, Steps)
- struct Screen *ScreenToMove;
- WORD FinalPos, Steps;
- {
- WORD NewPos, DeltaMove, i;
- DeltaMove = FinalPos - (ScreenToMove->TopEdge);
- for(i=Steps-1; i>=0; i--)
- {
- NewPos = (WORD) FinalPos - (DeltaMove * i / Steps);
- ScreenPosition(ScreenToMove, SPOS_ABSOLUTE, 0, NewPos, 0, 0);
- Delay(0);
- }
- }
- /*
- ** DisplayInfo()
- **
- ** Displays a window containing information on the current picture.
- ** When display window is activated, it will automaticly remove itself.
- **
- ** pre: None.
- ** post: None.
- **
- */
- ULONG DisplayInfo()
- {
- static struct NameInfo buffer;
- ULONG DisplayModeID;
- static struct IntuiText window_IText[] = {
- {2, 0, JAM2, 108, 0, NULL, "IFF ILBM Converter", &window_IText[ 1]},
- {1, 0, JAM2, 80, 12, NULL, "© 1995 by Gerben Venekamp", &window_IText[ 2]},
- {1, 0, JAM2, 0, 36, NULL, "Picture Name:", &window_IText[ 3]},
- {1, 0, JAM2, 112, 36, NULL, "No Picture Loaded", &window_IText[ 4]},
- {1, 0, JAM2, 0, 48, NULL, "Picture Dimensions:", &window_IText[ 5]},
- {1, 0, JAM2, 160, 48, NULL, "---- × ---- × -", &window_IText[ 6]},
- {1, 0, JAM2, 0, 60, NULL, "Screen Mode:", &window_IText[ 7]},
- {1, 0, JAM2, 104, 60, NULL, "Default", &window_IText[ 8]},
- {1, 0, JAM2, 0, 72, NULL, "Colours:", &window_IText[ 9]},
- {1, 0, JAM2, 72, 72, NULL, "---", &window_IText[10]},
- {1, 0, JAM2, 0, 84, NULL, "Chip:", &window_IText[11]},
- {1, 0, JAM2, 48, 84, NULL, "1234567", NULL}
- };
- // static char *No_ViewInfo = "Not determened";
- static char *GetDisFail = "GetDisplayInfo failed";
- static char *GetVPFail = "GetVPModeID failed";
- MakeDecimal(AvailMem(MEMF_CHIP), window_IText[11].IText, 7);
- if( !InfoWindow ) // See if Info Window is already opened.
- {
- if( !(InfoWindow = OpenWindowTags(NULL, WA_Left, 140,
- WA_Top, 18,
- WA_Width, 360,
- WA_Height, 108,
- WA_PubScreen, PanelScreen,
- TAG_DONE)) )
- {
- ErrorHandler( IFFerror_NotOpen, "Info Window" );
- return(0);
- }
- if( (DisplayModeID = GetVPModeID( &ViewScreen->ViewPort )) != INVALID_ID )
- if( GetDisplayInfoData(NULL, (UBYTE *)&buffer, sizeof(buffer), DTAG_NAME, DisplayModeID & ~(0x800 | 0x80)) )
- window_IText[7].IText = buffer.Name;
- else
- window_IText[7].IText = GetDisFail;
- else
- window_IText[7].IText = GetVPFail;
- APen = GetAPen(InfoWindow->RPort);
- SetAPen(InfoWindow->RPort, 2);
- Move(InfoWindow->RPort, 10, 34);
- Draw(InfoWindow->RPort, 350, 34);
- SetAPen(InfoWindow->RPort, 1);
- Move(InfoWindow->RPort, 11, 35);
- Draw(InfoWindow->RPort, 351, 35);
- SetAPen(InfoWindow->RPort, APen);
- }
- PrintIText(InfoWindow->RPort, &window_IText[0], 12, 8);
- return( (ULONG)(1L << InfoWindow->UserPort->mp_SigBit) );
- }